Saturday, November 28, 2009

How/Where To Apply Powdered Bronzer

A lot of people suggest bronzer and i'm trying to figure out whether it would work for me. Where do you apply it?How/Where To Apply Powdered Bronzer
I personally put bronzer on my entire face lightly because thats just how I like to wear it. But it also looks nice if you do your cheek bones (where you would apply blush) and down your nose. Its called your ';T'; zone. How/Where To Apply Powdered Bronzer
Bronzer is supposed to be applied in the places where the sun hits your skin the most, like your cheekbones, nose, up by your hairline on your forehead, and a tiny bit on your chin.

Of course, don't go too heavy in any one place because it'll look really fake.

I bought bronzer about 6 months ago for the first time and the lady at the mall who worked at Estee Lauder told me how to apply it. What you do is take your bronzer and make the shape of a '3' on your face.

So it would end up being on your forehead, cheeks, and jaw bone.

Hope this helps! =)
anywhere the sun would naturally hit you. Try top of your cheeks, across your nose, chin and forehead. Go lightly at first and then keep layering to get a little darker. Bronzer is surprisingly dark if you put too much on.
lightly dust your forehead

and the bridge of your nose

and use a shade darker on the apples of your cheeks

or for your cheeks you can layer bronzer and blush for a really natural glow
when you smile and your cheeks puff up, put it there, on the sides of you nose, but not the front and on your forehead, but be careful not to put too much on or else you'll look really weird.
depends what type of skin tone u have if u are light just add it on your cheeks and what ever is left on your brush sweep it through your nose, forehean and chin. if u are tan use it all over your skin
apply a light layer to your forehead, cheeks, and nose.

above brows

under hairline


I Put Some On My Cheeks
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